Jelly Pizza

There's a story, of course.

May 30, 2007

Fred Thompson's Wife...

The Contest of
"600 Days and Counting"

Can you guess or just make up what Jeri, while holding another man's hand, is cooing to the Wolf that makes him look like he wants to
lick, er, ah....his comb!

Mine is:

"You and Shaha wanna join Fred and me in the hot tub after they make a fool out of Karl?"

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May 28, 2007

Happy 80th To...

My bestest mom ever.

[click on images to enlarge]

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May 25, 2007

New Hide-Out...

[click on images to enlarge]

First we see her, then we don't.
And in between, she pulls off a pretty clever trick with her tongue and makes a scary face!

Stop by
Friday's Ark
to see the rest of the crazy crew.

There are more great cats at
Weekend Cat Blogging #103 over at
House of (Mostly) Black Cats.
There are treats and cozy beds.
Do drop in!

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May 18, 2007

Back To Her Cave...

[click on image to enlarge]

Taboo sure loves her little nesting caves, returning to them with a reliability we've come to count on.

Be sure to visit all the wonderful creatures, both old friends and new, this week over at the ever reliable

Friday's Ark.

And Weekend Cat Blogging is being hosted by

Paulchen's Food Blog.

Friends & yummies together in one place at the same time
-- sometimes we get lucky.

Most of all, sweet memories for friends who have moved out ahead -- save a catbird seat for us!

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May 12, 2007


[click on image to enlarge]
...capillary waves on the surface.

Get ready to sail on the rising tide, all aboard
Friday's Ark.

Linger a moment or two there, near the bottom of the passenger lists, to bid farewell to a few of our shipmates now heavenward bound --


What a sad week it's been for their loving human companions.

It's a good thing Sunshine & Upsie at
What Did You Eat
are hosting the WCB port of call. There's sure to be food aplenty to fill our empty tummies and enough cod liver oil margaritas to drown our sorrows. Thanks, Sher!

A toast to old friends and new:

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again...

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May 4, 2007


[click on image to enlarge]

Gotta rest up for the party weekend.
Drop by to board
Friday's Ark.
Weekend Cat Blogging
is hosted by
A Byootiful Life.
[Warning: fasten your seatbelts first -- driving lessons ahead!]

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