Jelly Pizza

There's a story, of course.

Apr 7, 2006

What Did The President Know & When Did He....

leak it?
What else I'm curious about is:

  1. did anyone warn Valerie Plame that her status as an undercover CIA agent was changed [when the president “declassified” that information to be “leaked” to Judy Miller];
  2. if it were no longer classified because the president declassified it, why would it have to be “leaked” not just plain old vanilla announced;
  3. why bother having a “leak of classified material” investigation if the material wasn’t classified;
  4. why hasn’t Fitz just said, "Oops, no crime here, my bad. I’m wrapping up this expensive dog & pony show now, BYE!"; and
  5. why didn’t Jerky Miller howl, "NONOWAIT, it’s not a crime to leak unclassified material, and anyway I’m too classy a dame to sit in prison for no GD reason a’tall"?

They think we’re stupid.
Maybe so, but not as stupid as them.

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At May 25, 2006 at 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At May 25, 2006 at 6:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At May 25, 2006 at 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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