More Katrina Brownie Jobs...
"Good Job" Brownie says politics played a role!
[inspired by watertiger at Dependable Renegade]
No shit?
Photo #10 [please heed the warning if you're faint of heart],
Zuri Franklin, 11, tries to dry her feet
wrinkled from days in water
[Under photo, choose "Click to View Photos>>"]
always brought it home for me and made it personal.
Imagine looking down to see your own eleven-year-old feet look like this and how you would feel.
[inspired by watertiger at Dependable Renegade]
No shit?
Photo #10 [please heed the warning if you're faint of heart],
Zuri Franklin, 11, tries to dry her feet
wrinkled from days in water
[Under photo, choose "Click to View Photos>>"]
always brought it home for me and made it personal.
Imagine looking down to see your own eleven-year-old feet look like this and how you would feel.
Hi there. In addition to weekend cat blogging, I continue to follow stories out of post-katrina new orleans and stick up for that city and its people. thanks for including this among your posts.
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