Jelly Pizza

There's a story, of course.

Jul 25, 2006

Why the Planet is Worth Saving...

[click on photo to enlarge]

As I began to clean up after making yesterday's lunch sandwich, I was reminded of that eternal question asked by Isaac Davis, in
Woody Allen's masterpiece Manhattan:
"Why is life worth living?"

I looked at the leftovers & nearly sobbed at their simple beauty, wondering how it's come to this sped-up destruction of life by the living. Is there truly not enough to go around fairly?

Turn off cable news' war porn, make a tomato sandwich and watch Manhattan. Care about making the planet safe again
for kittens and other living things.

Peas and berry much love.
Potere tutti i raccolti sono abbondantementi!
[If you already had your tomato sandwich for the day, feel free to ignore this message.]

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At July 26, 2006 at 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhh. I love tomato sandwiches and Manhatten. Has NYC ever looked better than in that film?


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